вторник, 25 януари 2011 г.

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal is a mausoleum in the city of Agra, built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his favorite wife Ardzhamund. As a young Prince Khurram, the third son of Emperor Jahangir, he married Princess krasavata Ardzhumand Bano Begum, which has 14 children. In 1628 Khurram take imperial throne under the name of Shah Jahan (ruler of the world) and his wife is called Mumtaz Mahal (the palace sublime). Mumtaz Mahal accompanied her husband on all his military campaigns. Extremely close in nature, even though some historians argue that together decide on the future of the empire. Mumtaz died during the military campaign in 1631 with the birth of their 14th child of 39 years. On his deathbed she asked him to build something big and great, which it commemorated. Mumtaz Mahal Emperor celebrated the construction of the magnificent marble tomb. Long and exhausting his' construction of love. " Taj Mahal complex is long 580 meters wide and 300 in the enclosure with a high wall space than the mausoleum and mosque are stables and inns for distinguished guests. The museum has a square base, rounded corners, each side is 56.6 m long, with a large central arch in the middle and lower arches and the two countries. On each corner is a small dome and the central dome 70 meters high, resembles a paragon - Mohammed describes the throne of Allah as white pearl, resting on four columns. The facade of the mausoleum is covered with carvings and inlays of colored stones, such as verses from the Koran were combined with floral motifs. Therefore, the Taj Mahal is known as the "temple of eternal love."

петък, 21 януари 2011 г.


Sahara is the largest desert in the world located in North Africa in the territory of Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Chad, Niger and Mali. Has an area of 9 million square kilometers and occupies more than one quarter of the African continent. The name comes from the Arabic word for desert - صحراء (as-ṣaḥrā). Around 1.5 million people inhabit the sand surface, most of them are in Mauritania, Morocco and Algeria. Largest city, located in the Sahara is Nouakchott - Mauritania's capital. The formation of the Sahara Desert is part of a process begun more than 8000 years ago, when the soil in that area was still fertile. Some of the fertile areas now irrigated by underground rivers and lakes. According to the study of satellite images taken of the Sahara, some researchers conclude that regular wilderness shrinks and expands. In the early 80's southernmost edge of the Sahara reached the Sahel - dry strip separating the sands of the savanna. But in the mid 80's this area was damp and covered with vegetation. Constantly making artificial channels and Transplant plants to stop the spread of the sands. Oases of the Sahara look like islands of life scattered in the ocean of desert. They are located in valleys and hollows, some of which lie below the sea level. In their greatest value is crucial and ground water gush from the earth. Near their neighborhood is becoming thanks to the diligence of Berbers and Arabs in lush gardens with ornamental plant. The hot and dry climate, irrigation and fertilization provide rich land fertility, and therefore around the springs emerge large and small settlements. Vegetation in the oases is multilevel. High-rise slender date palm. Bananas drawing out long branches with heavy yellow green fruit. Under the shadows grow, bent by gravity, large and juicy peaches, apricots, zarzali, pomegranates. And in the northern oases of the Sahara grow citrus crops, almonds and vines that wrap the trunks of trees and are transferred by a wreath from tree to tree, decorated by large, colorful clusters. Under this vegetation are excited golden wheat fields. Limited spaces are planted with potatoes and peanuts. Zeleneyat to gardens and lawns of clover and alfalfa.

вторник, 18 януари 2011 г.

Waterfall Victoria

Victoria is a picturesque waterfall on the Zambezi River, Africa. It is located in the territory of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Victoria can be divided into four waterfalls - Devil's Cataract, Rainbow, Chief Falls and Eastern Cataract. With its length of 1.7 km, the waterfall is the most comprehensive in the world. The name of the waterfall is given by David Livingstone in 1855, who named it for Queen Victoria. Locals call the waterfall Mosiah-Oa-Tunney, which translated means "blaring smoke. Victoria Falls is very picturesque natural views. Its waters fall into the valley, allowing it to be covered with a look from a distance. During the rainy period waterfall can be seen much more difficult because it is wrapped in water vapor. However, they can be seen 50 miles away.

вторник, 11 януари 2011 г.

waterfall Iguazu

Iguazu Falls is the name of a group of waterfalls in South America. They are on Gradnitsa of Argentina and Brazil, like the other two big waterfall - Niagara (between the U.S. and Canada) and Victoria (Zimbabwe and Zambia). The most popular group of waterfalls Iguazu is the Devil's Throat, which is located right on the border between the two countries. The name of Indian origin has waterfalls, "Iguazu" is translated as "big water". They are extremely popular tourist destination for people from around the world. They are part of the reserve Iguazu (translated "Big Water"), which is among the largest in the world. This unique landmark was formed 120 million years ago and consists of 275 waterfalls, spanning 2.7 km width. They are located in the form of podkova.Visochinata of waterfalls ranging from 40 to 82 metra.Spored local legend, then God is nasyakal "Iguazu River, because his beloved Naipi you consider to marry, escaped death with her lover Taroba. The most famous waterfall in the system is "the Devil's Throat", so named because of the outpouring water on three sides. Its width is 150 meters, ie it marks the border between Brazil and Argentina. Tourists have the opportunity to bring the boat and see grayish mist formed from the strong drop of water. Iguazu Falls annually attract over 700,000 tourists from around the world, making them one of the most visited sites in South America. When conditions are favorable, the noise of falling water is heard at a distance of 20 kilometers. Depending on the season, the number of waterfalls is increased to 300 or decrease do150, during dry periods. 1978. is memorable for all local, since then the waterfalls dry up completely for the whole 28 days, due to unprecedented drought.